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Head to Bed is a sleep awareness campaign that aims to combat insomnia. Research shows that 45% of young people are checking their mobile phones after they have gone to bed. The most common cause is ‘the blue light effect’, which can block the body’s sleep pattern and keep you awake for longer. This campaign aims to educate and inform young people affected by sleep loss.

Head to Bed

Head to Bed

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Research shows that 16 million UK adults are suffering from insomnia induced sleepless nights. Unfortunately, 12-19 year olds are the biggest group to get less than seven hours a night. This is often a result of ‘the blue light effect’. The blue light effect is the result of blue being emitted from electronic devices and televisions. This harmful light prevents the signals from your brain’s internal body clock.

The campaign targets this issue by educating teenagers about the dangers of insomnia. By creating a fully realised advertising campaign, it will provide helpful tools on how to improve your sleep hygiene. Using type as the force for difference, the aim is to motivate young people to improve their health through sleep.

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